How Do You Copyright A Business Plan

3 min readJan 13, 2021


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If inspiration strikes and you develop a genius business idea. you’ll likely be eager to copyright this idea as a means of protection. Through the obtaining of a copyright. you can ensure that others don’t steal your work and profit from your great idea. Applying for and receiving a copyright is the only way to legally protect your idea and. as such. is well worth the time investment.

Why do you need to copyright the business plan in the first place? That just protects the written expression of the ideas. and if your projections and plans are that valuable. they probably fall under trade secret protections anyway. If your idea is that valuable. it might be worth patenting. but odds are it’s not. Any successful entrepreneur will tell you: ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s . . .

You get copyright protection automatically — you don’t have to apply or pay a fee. There isn’t a register of copyright works in the UK. There isn’t a register of copyright works in the UK.

You will learn how to plan your business. how to get the money to get started. how to do marketing. how to do accounting. how to make sales. how to set up your website and much more. You will have access to all my tools — including worksheets. case studies. checklists and templates — that will save you …

Additionally. you’ll often use the process of writing the business plan as a tool to help you better understand your own business and product. Citing your sources is critical to establishing your credibility and for remembering how you arrived at the conclusions and figures you present in your plan. Select reputable sources for your research. Whenever possible. use government agencies . . .

A. You cannot copyright an idea. theory. method. formula. list or thought. B. You cannot copyright an invention. nor an idea for an invention. C. You can patent an invention. but only after it has actually been invented. As I said before. your business plan DOCUMENT would be copyright protected. Such that. no one could use that actual document . . .

If you create a drawing for someone else on a project basis. such as a house plan created by a self-employed architect. you own the copyright to your drawing unless you assign the copyright to your client in writing. Without a written assignment. your client simply has a license to use the plans and you retain the right to reproduce them. sell them and create other works based on them.

Finding finance. business support. writing a business plan. Running a limited company. Includes registering. setting up. company accounts and tax returns . Expenses and employee benefits. Includes . . .

If found guilty of copyright infringement in a magistrate’s court. your business could be fined up to £50. 000 and you could face a jail term of up to six months. If the case reaches a Crown Court. fines can be unlimited and the maximum sentence up to ten years’ imprisonment. The scale of the infringement has an impact. A small reuse of a photo or watching a pirated video online isn’t . . .




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